
White and Black Diamond Checkered Race Flag Pendant in 14k Gold

Internal perfect results gave diamond manufacturers choose to leave the wear on the surface of the stone and realize VVS1 rating higher than the second change to the introduction of the classification system, this change was I3 level in response to a more and more white and black diamond pendant skateboarding game 14 k gold flagVery low clearly being cut finally change transparency grading system occurred in the 1990.

White and Black Diamond Checkered Race Flag Pendant in 14k Gold

 The term includes perfect the grading system to GIA today GIA diamond grading scale category internal clear flawless white and black diamond pendant skateboarding game 14 k gold flagPerfect very slight including very slightly including slightly including I diamond grading scale is divided into six categories of 11 grade types and levels is a clear pure words category with diamond no  or stains under 10 times to see internal like diamond amplification perfect with no 10 times the amplification only small in see wear diamond surface very slight VVS including category, diamond inclusion difficult minutes to go to the next grade 10 times as much as the skilled amplificationansparency high test scores level than love and needle in a little bit of  including white and black diamond pendant skateboarding game categories and 14 k gold flagHave minor inclusions

 It is very difficult to a little easy when see a trained grade down big ten times to watch video category is divided into two level  represent a high transparency points than mingled in the circular to the diamond is usually see but no amplification someinclusions can be naked eye can be an example, a large emerald cut diamond has a small inclusion in the corner of the table The table is included.

